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Microsoft MS-700 Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Jan 19, 2025
  • Questions: 336 questions with Expert Explanation
  • Single Choice: 166 Q&A's
  • Multiple Choice: 28 Q&A's
  • Hotspot: 88 Q&A's
  • Simulation: 24 Q&A's
  • Drag Drop: 30 Q&A's
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MS-700 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

You need to resolve the issue reported by the project management department users.

What should you do?


Uninstall the current Teams client and then reinstall the latest version of the client.


From the Microsoft Teams admin center, modify the Meeting settings.


From the Microsoft Teams admin center, create and assign a new meeting policy.


Instruct the users to launch Teams and select Check for updates.

Question # 2

You need to implement the planned changes for Viva Connections.

Which three actions should you perform in sequence? To answer, move the appropriate actions from the list of actions to the answer area and arrange them in the correct order.


Question # 3

You need to ensure that file sharing during Teams chats meets the technical requirements of the marketing department.

What should you do?


Create a retention policy for Teams chats.


Create a data loss prevention (DIP) policy for Teams chat and channel messages.


Enable Customer Lockbox.


Create a retention policy for the OneDrive accounts location.


Create a retention policy for the SharePoint sites location.

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Mitchell - Posted on 25-Sep-2024 has been a lifeline in my journey towards achieving certification success. Their study guide and study material were comprehensive and well-presented, making it easy for me to grasp the exam content. The practice tests and exam dumps from were incredibly helpful in familiarizing myself with the exam format and enhancing my exam performance. I admire the team for their dedication to customer satisfaction and their commitment to helping individuals succeed in their exams. Thanks to, I passed my Microsoft MS-700 exam and achieved my career goals.

Alexandra - Posted on 24-Sep-2024

dumpsmate's user-friendly platform made studying for my MS-700 exam a breeze.

Alissa - Posted on 16-Aug-2024

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Microsoft MS-700 Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam?

The Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams exam is designed for Microsoft Teams administrators who manage and maintain internal and external collaboration and communication solutions using Teams and Microsoft 365. The exam measures your ability to configure and manage a Teams environment, manage teams, channels, chats, and apps, manage meetings and calling, and monitor, report on, and troubleshoot Teams.

2. What are the prerequisites for taking the Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam?

There are no prerequisites for taking the Microsoft MS-700 exam. However, it is recommended that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 services, including Microsoft 365 groups, Microsoft SharePoint Online, OneDrive, Exchange, and Microsoft Entra ID. You should also understand the options for integrating and extending Teams with other apps, including Microsoft Viva, Power Platform, third-party apps, and custom apps.

3. What skills does the Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam?

The Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams exam tests your knowledge in four key areas:

  • Configuring and managing a Teams environment: This includes deployment, tenant settings, licensing, and security configurations.
  • Managing teams, channels, chats, and apps: You'll need to understand team creation, channel management, external collaboration, and app integration.
  • Managing meetings and calling: Expertise in scheduling, recording, security, and device management for Teams meetings and calls is crucial.
  • Monitoring, reporting on, and troubleshooting Teams: This involves using analytics, reports, and tools to optimize performance and resolve issues.

4. What is the format of the Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam?

The Microsoft MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams exam consists of 40-60 multiple-choice questions.

5. What is the duration of the Microsoft MS-700 Exam?

The Microsoft MS-700 exam has a duration of 150 minutes.

6. What is the passing score for the Microsoft MS-700 Exam?

The passing score for the Microsoft MS-700 exam is 700.

7. What are the benefits of passing the Microsoft MS-700 Exam?

Passing the Microsoft MS-700 exam validates your skills in managing and maintaining internal and external collaboration and communication solutions using Teams and Microsoft 365. You become eligible for the Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate certification.

8. What are the study materials offered by DumpsMate for the Microsoft MS-700 Exam?

DumpsMate offers a comprehensive set of study materials for the Microsoft MS-700 exam, including MS-700 exam questions, exam dumps, real questions, PDF questions, and practice questions. They also offer a testing engine and MS-700 study guide.

9. What makes DumpsMate's Microsoft MS-700 study materials unique?

DumpsMate stands out with its:

  • 100% real exam questions: We offer Microsoft MS-700 actual questions from previous test administrations, ensuring you're exposed to the most relevant content.
  • Detailed explanations: Gain a deeper understanding of each question and concept with clear and concise explanations.
  • Regular updates: Our Microsoft MS-700 study materials are constantly updated to reflect the latest exam format and content changes.
  • Success guarantee: We're confident in our materials, offering a money-back guarantee if you don't pass the exam after using our Microsoft MS-700 study materials.

10. How much time should I dedicate to studying for the MS-700 Practice Exam?

The required study time varies depending on your existing knowledge and experience. However, dedicating 4-6 weeks of consistent preparation using DumpsMate's MS-700 study materials will significantly increase your chances of success.

11. What happens after I purchase the DumpsMate MS-700 study package?

Upon purchase, you'll gain immediate access to:

  • The downloadable MS-700 PDF study guide.
  • The online practice testing engine with MS-700 exam questions.
  • Explanations for each MS-700 practice question.
  • Ongoing support from our team if you have any questions.
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TESTED 20 Jan 2025