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Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam Dumps - Actual Questions Answers

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  • Last Update: Jan 19, 2025
  • Questions: 215 questions with Expert Explanation
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Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Questions and Answers

Question # 1

Your company has recently installed a Cloud VPN tunnel between your on-premises data center and your Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You need to configure access to the Cloud Functions API for your on-premises servers. The configuration must meet the following requirements:

Certain data must stay in the project where it is stored and not be exfiltrated to other projects.

Traffic from servers in your data center with RFC 1918 addresses do not use the internet to access Google Cloud APIs.

All DNS resolution must be done on-premises.

The solution should only provide access to APIs that are compatible with VPC Service Controls.

What should you do?


Create an A record for using the address range.

Create a CNAME record for * that points to the A record.

Configure your on-premises routers to use the Cloud VPN tunnel as the next hop for the addresses you used in the A record.

Remove the default internet gateway from the VPC where your Cloud VPN tunnel terminates.


Create an A record for using the address range.

Create a CNAME record for * that points to the A record.

Configure your on-premises routers to use the Cloud VPN tunnel as the next hop for the addresses you used in the A record.

Configure your on-premises firewalls to allow traffic to the addresses.


Create an A record for using the address range.

Create a CNAME record for * that points to the A record.

Configure your on-premises routers to use the Cloud VPN tunnel as the next hop for the addresses you used in the A record.

Remove the default internet gateway from the VPC where your Cloud VPN tunnel terminates.


Create an A record for using the address range.

Create a CNAME record for * that points to the A record.

Configure your on-premises routers to use the Cloud VPN tunnel as the next hop for the addresses you used in the A record.

Configure your on-premises firewalls to allow traffic to the addresses.

Question # 2

Your company's logo is published as an image file across multiple websites that are hosted by your company You have implemented Cloud CDN, however, you want to improve the performance of the cache hit ratio associated with this image file. What should you do?


Configure custom cache keys for the backend service that holds the image file, and clear the Host and Protocol checkboxes-


Configure Cloud Storage as a custom origin backend to host the image file, and select multi-region as the location type


Configure versioned IJRLs for each domain to serve users the •mage file before the cache entry expires


Configure the default time to live (TTL) as O for the image file.

Question # 3

You have recently taken over responsibility for your organization's Google Cloud network security configurations. You want to review your Cloud Next Generation Firewall (Cloud NGFW) configurations to ensure that there are no rules allowing ingress traffic to your VMs and services from the internet. You want to avoid manual work. What should you do?


Use Firewall Insights, and enable insights for overly permissive rules.


Review Network Analyzer insights on the VPC network category.


Export all your Cloud NGFW rules into a CSV file and search for


Run Connectivity Tests from multiple external sources to confirm that traffic is not allowed to ingress to your most critical services in Google Cloud.

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Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam Dumps FAQs

1. What is the Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer exam is a certification designed to validate your expertise in designing, implementing, and managing Google Cloud network solutions. It assesses your ability to architect and operate scalable, highly available, and secure network infrastructures on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

2. Who is the target audience for Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer exam is primarily aimed at network engineers and architects who have hands-on experience with Google Cloud Platform and are looking to validate their skills and expertise in designing and managing complex cloud network solutions.

3. What topics are covered in the Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer exam covers areas such as designing network architectures, implementing VPC networks, configuring managed network services, and managing hybrid network interconnectivity.

4. Are there any prerequisites for taking the Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

No specific prerequisites are required, but having 3+ years of industry experience (including 1+ year with Google Cloud) is recommended.

5. What is the format of the Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

The Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam consists of multiple-choice and extended-response questions. It is designed to assess your ability to apply your knowledge and skills to real-world scenarios.

6. What is the passing score for the Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

The passing score for the Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer exam is 70%.

7. What study materials does DumpsMate offer for the Google Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Exam?

DumpsMate offers a variety of study materials, including Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer dumps questions PDF, study guide and testing engine. These materials come with a success guarantee, ensuring that you are well-prepared to pass the Google Cloud Platform Certification Exam on your first attempt.

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TESTED 23 Jan 2025